Part of the academic resources provided by East Georgia State College include a variety of workshops and other resources to help you be successful! Check out the videos, presentations, and printable materials on this page.
- 10 Rules of Studying (PDF)
- Annotating Texts (PDF)
- Calendars and College (PDF)
- Changing Habits (PDF)
- Class Organizer (PDF)
- Concept Maps (PDF)
- Digital Distractions (PDF)
- Effective Notetaking in Class (PDF)
- Exam Self-Reflection (PDF)
- Final Exam Planner (PDF)
- Goal Tracker (PDF)
- Higher Order Thinking (PDF)
- Memorization Strategies (PDF)
- Metacognitive Study Strategies (PDF)
- Mindset Matters Handout (PDF)
- Mindset Survey (PDF)
- Priorities Worksheet (PDF)
- Reading Comprehension Tips (PDF)
- Reading Textbooks Effectively (PDF)
- Skimming (PDF)
- Study Groups (PDF)
- Studying 101 (PDF)
- Studying for Math and Physics Classes (PDF)
- Success in Mathematics (PDF)
- Test Analyzer - Exam Review (PDF)
- The Study Cycle (PDF)
- Time Management Inventory (PDF)
- Weekly Planner (PDF)
- Weekly Schedule (PDF)