The CETL's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Series promote and support faculty developing their own pedagogical research experiments and theoretical concepts. Faculty may present their research to a body of their peers for feedback and discussion. The SoTL Series also serves to inform faculty of and facilitate discussions about current pedagogical trends and advancements in SoTL through faculty sharing published SoTL books, articles, or concepts relevant to the open-access mission, teaching in rural areas, transparency in teaching and learning, high impact practices, and other SoTL topics aimed at fostering engaged student learning.
The CETL aims to hold one SoTL workshop or seminar per semester and may coordinate with the former or current Chancellor's Learning Scholars and Georgia Teaching Fellowship recipients. Faculty interested in presenting their own research or the SoTL they believe would impact EGSC's Culture of Teaching may email Dr. Ren Denton a brief description of their project or the SoTL topic with their times available for presenting.